Monday, January 18, 2010

Social Story

This was my graduation gift to Louise, belatedly posted here.

The story of Thelma and Louise

Louise was a girl from Florida who moved to NH so that she could play in the snow.

Louise loves numbers and music and solitude and order.

Louise shared her love of numbers and music and solitude and order with some Lost Boys who needed her help.
Louise loved her job and did it very well. She went early every day and played her music and took pictures and spread her order everywhere she went, but she was lonely.

One day, Thelma came to work with Louise and the Lost Boys.

Thelma was a girl from Canada who moved to NH so that she could play in the ocean.

Thelma loved words and music and art and freedom and came to help the Lost Boys with Louise.
Thelma loved her job and did it very well. She stayed late and drew pictures and wrote stories and spread her optimism everywhere she went. Louise wasn’t lonely any more.

Some times, Thelma and Louise rolled Twinkies, and fought Lions, tigers and bears, and laughed all day long. Sometimes they cried.
Every night when it was time to go home, they said “See you in a few minutes”

Eventually, it was hard to love their jobs, but they still loved each other….
The day Louise left, Thelma went in the bathroom and cried and cried and cried. Louise told her it would be just fine.

So Thelma and Louise went to school at night, just for the pleasure of each other’s company (and sometimes to use their superfluous brains).

Thelma and Louise loved to learn and loved to learn together. They did their homework and shared their love and helped knuckleheads along the way. Thelma melted down about the numbers and Louise fretted about the words, but together they could reach the stars.

Eventually they had to graduate. About that, they were both happy and sad, because it meant they wouldn’t see each other as much.
Thelma forced Louise to go to the parties because it made their graduation more real. About this, Louise was both happy and annoyed.

Some people graduate with caps and gowns. Some people graduate with hoods. Some people graduate with both caps and hoods. Louise wondered why.
Thelma told her it was okay to have both.

Some people graduate Suma Cum Laude. Some people graduate Magna Cum Laude.
Some people get awards. They didn’t get any and Thelma wondered why.
Louise said they knew they deserved them, and that was more than okay.

So Thelma and Louise received their degrees and did their respective jobs.

One day they hope that they can change the world together again.

The beginning…